Somewhere along the lines... I ended up with this big project outside of Harrisburg, in Thompsontown, PA. Mostly because there aren't really any contractors in that area and they thought I was the coolest one in all of America and the free world! :) All kidding aside and after seeing the photo's you can only imagine the time I spent on this bathroom remodel... so obviously, the homeowner's … [Read more...] about Tile Shower with Boulder Seat and Custom Pebble floor.
Cutting Tile for a nice fit in a Shower Replacement
Thought that I would show off a little bit of my handy work... I'm actually proud of this photo from a few years ago because on a contractor forum I posted it up and got a huge response of "likes" for being the "money cut". Just looking at it the other day got me thinking about how it's not really all that hard to do but mainly that's it's tedious work (shave a little off - re fit - shave some … [Read more...] about Cutting Tile for a nice fit in a Shower Replacement
Instead of asking for a Lower Price… Request a Flood Test for your Tile Shower
There’s plenty of homeowners that are interested in how "cheap” they can get a new tiled shower for… This does play a few factors on the overall mentality but the words “cheap” and “tile shower” should absolutely NOT be used in the same sentence (oops, but I just did that…) Why do you think Tile Showers should be cheap (dang it, did it again) anyway? I’m not exactly sure but I’ll just go … [Read more...] about Instead of asking for a Lower Price… Request a Flood Test for your Tile Shower
Project Review: Custom Tile Shower and Bathroom Remodel in Mechanicsburg PA
After closing out one of our last projects of the year I wanted to blog about this for multiple reasons and touch base on how simple it is to customize a shower. The term “customize” usually equates to spending more money but I look at it like this… When was the last time you purchased a Filet Mignon from the grocery store? Pretty expensive, huh… Yep they definitely are but after you slap … [Read more...] about Project Review: Custom Tile Shower and Bathroom Remodel in Mechanicsburg PA
Leaking Toilets Will Cost You Money!
^^^Take a look at this mess^^^ If you've read some of my remodeling blogs you may think I’m just preaching to the choir when I talk about acting sooner than later when toilets, showers, faucets etc… start to fail. The land of home ownership is full of surprises and we find ourselves from one project to the next. In my opinion (and aside from your roof), plumbing matters come first so if your … [Read more...] about Leaking Toilets Will Cost You Money!
Tile Shower Layout
After browsing around a few contractor, homeowner and photo-type forums I took notice to some proudly posted photos that I thought were less than desirable based on the tile layout. My first thought was, "What is a proper way to place the tile so that everything matches up nice...?" and thought that would be a good topic for a blog. Anyway, before I can answer that I'll start off with a few … [Read more...] about Tile Shower Layout
Will my toilet be functional during a Bathroom Remodel?
Sure it will! Remodeling can be tough when there’s only one bathroom in the house, but taking proper steps throughout the project will ensure that the toilet can be useable at the end of each day’s work. Many “tile setters” don’t do much with plumbing, so be sure to keep that in mind when selecting your contractor. You will want a company that is competent and well versed in all phases of … [Read more...] about Will my toilet be functional during a Bathroom Remodel?
How much will my Bathroom Remodel cost?
Based upon the title of this blog, I’d bet that by the end you would think that I will have an exact answer for you… (Let’s see) When calling a contractor with this question you will most likely get a vague answer over the phone. Why? A contractor has to qualify a potential client by finding out what products you would like, your intended scope of work and the conditions of the work area. … [Read more...] about How much will my Bathroom Remodel cost?
Researching Your Harrisburg PA Contractor
As we head into a new year (2013) and you’re planning to take care of some much needed renovations around the house, spend the time to research the potential remodeling contractors that you’re going to meet with. We’d like to go over some key factors when doing research to help you find the best fit for your specific project! From the business standpoint you should always check with your State … [Read more...] about Researching Your Harrisburg PA Contractor
Waterproofing a Tile Shower – Is it necessary? Many questions arise from clients with the cost involved in building a tile shower so we’d like to cover some of this key information with you! As there are many different methods to construct a shower depending on different areas, building requirements or layout we will cover the basics with applying a topical waterproofing product. Tile and … [Read more...] about Waterproofing a Tile Shower – Is it necessary?