A few Preparation Tips for your Kitchen Remodeling project
A Kitchen Remodel is typically a project that has been a long time coming for your family. Obviously, remodeling a kitchen can be quite costly but will offer a huge return on your investment, not to mention a new and functional space for cooking! Because you would be neglected from the area for an extended period of time, we wanted to offer some preparation tips to help you along.
First and foremost, it’s important to clean out all of your cabinets. This will be a good time to sift through all of the things that you may even want to replace (new kitchen=new pots and pans…), throw out or become reconnected to something that was stuffed in the back of a drawer. Taking down pictures and other trinkets will be a big help too. Check all of your reverse walls to the kitchen and take all of those items down as well. Vibrations from the demolition phase can make these items fall and break if ignored.
Most times, the doorway areas would be blocked off with tarps to reduce dust flow to other rooms of the home. This is when you will have to map out exactly where you will be setting up your makeshift kitchen area whether it’s in the dining room, family room, garage or any other available room. Make sure that you have a good space set aside for your refrigerator and a table set up to place all of your regular items. Plastic or paper utensils will be a big help for the duration.
Here are some other things that you should set up:
- Microwave
- Toaster Oven
- Crock Pot (the perfect reason to purchase a Crock Pot recipe book)
- Sandwich Maker
- George Foreman Grill
- Electric Skillet
- Oh, and don’t forget to have the coffee brewing for us
Last but not least, make sure that you have some extra money saved up to go out to eat. TV dinners usually get old after a week. During the process, there is always some stress and some days you will feel the need to be away from the construction area, especially at dinner time. Going out to eat will give you a chance to get away for a while. At that, you will actually start looking at the menu a little closer because it will give you some great ideas for what you’d like to start cooking when the keys are turned over with a complete job!
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